A very warm welcome from our Parish Council Chairman
Summer 2024
As Chairman of the Parish Council, I extend a warm welcome to this our revamped website. Throughout this website you will find details of the different Council Committees, meeting dates and community initiatives that we are involved in, as well as the various policies which the Council adheres to.
It is our aim that we make this the ‘Village Website’ and we will endeavor to provide you with the latest news and announcements within the Village. You will also find links to the various Clubs and Societies which operate in the Village , including for example the Village Association who manage the Village Hall.
The Full Council meets on the last Thursday of each month (except August and December) in the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm, unless otherwise stated. Members of the public are very welcome to attend and are encouraged to comment and raise issues during the Public Participation sessions.
The Parish Council is the tier of local government closest to the people and as such plays an important role in the local community. One of its primary roles is to represent the views of our community, therefore, please feel free to let the Council have your views, be they positive or negative, on any issue or matter that could have an impact on our village.
I would also encourage you to contact the Parish Office with any concerns you may have over, for example, planning applications or noise disturbances etc. Obviously, the Council is unable to respond to concerns it is not aware of.