
Planning Agenda 12th May 2022

Planning Agendas Uploaded on July 14, 2023

Theydon Bois Parish Council
Planning Committee Meeting
Parish Office, The Village Hall, Coppice Row, Theydon Bois, Essex CM16 7ER
Clerk to the Council: Mrs Jennifer Endean Planning Clerk: Mrs Jane Sounes
To: Members of Theydon Bois Parish Council Planning Committee
Dated: 6th May 2022
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Theydon Bois Parish Council Planning Committee at Theydon Bois Village Hall
on Thursday 12th May 2022 at 8.00 PM for the purpose of transacting the following business:
Jane Sounes, Planning Clerk to the Council
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 21st April 2022
3. Disclosure of Interests (existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, Other Pecuniary Interest or NonPecuniary Interest as defined in the Essex Public Law Partnership Code of Conduct) with regard to Items on the Agenda.
Members of the Council are subject to & have adopted the Essex Public Law Partnership Code of Conduct.
4. Public Participation session with regard to Items on the Agenda
5. To Consider the following Full Planning Application:
Application No: EPF/0523/22 Officer: James Rogers RETURN: 16th May 2022
Applicant: Mr Smith
Location: The Pond House, Poplar Row, Theydon Bois, Epping CM16 7NB
Proposal: Single storey rear extension.
6. To Consider the following Approval of Details Application:
Application No: EPF/0775/22 Officer: Kie Farrell RETURN: 20th May 2022
Applicant: Mr Geoff Shaw
Location: 2 Dukes Avenue, Theydon Bois, Epping CM16 7HE
Proposal: Application for Approval of Details Reserved by Conditions 3”documentary & photographic details of type & colours of
external finishes”, 5”Wheel washing”, 9”2 Electric Vehicle Charging Point”, 10”super-fast broadband”, 13”details of surface water
disposal”, 14”risks posed by any contamination”, 16”position, design, materials and type of boundary treatment” & 18”scheme to
enhance the nature conservation” for EPF/0021/22. (the demolition of the existing 4 bedroom house and erection of 2no 4
bedroom houses).
Important Guidance – please read:
If you wish to register to speak on a specific application on the agenda (or submit comments for consideration by the Planning Committee),
please email the Planning Clerk on by 17.00 on Wednesday 11th May 2022
The Meeting will be held in the small hall at the Village Hall. Social distancing will be observed and wearing a face covering is suggested.
We will not be providing paper copies of the Agenda – if you wish to receive an electronic version please email the Planning Clerk before
the meeting.666688
7. To Consider the following Tree Preservation Order Application:
Application No: EPF/0736/22 Officer: Robin Hellier RETURN: 16th May 2022
Applicant: Mr Ron Hopkins
Location: Beechwood, Theydon Road, Epping CM16 4EE
Proposal: TPO/EPF/01/10 (Ref:T4) T001: Cedar – Fell and replace, as specified.
8. To Consider the following Planning Applications (to which the Planning Committee previously raised Objection), since the
determination of these has been held in abeyance by EFDC, due to the provision of new policies relating to the Epping Forest
Special Area of Conservation. (The Committee may decide to support its previous comments, or amend these, as appropriate):
Application No: EPF/1656/19 Officer: SAC – Held in Abeyance RETURN: 20th May 2022
Applicant: Ms Margaret Padfield
Location: Piggotts Farm, Abridge Road, Theydon Bois, Epping RM4 1TX
Proposal: Erection of 3 x 4 bedroom residential houses to replace existing barns on site.
Application No: EPF/2740/19 Officer: SAC – Held in Abeyance RETURN: 20th May 2022
Applicant: Mr & Mrs P Debenham
Location: 4 Hill Road, Theydon Bois, Epping CM16 7LX
Proposal: Proposed demolition of an existing two storey & single storey side extension, subdivision of site, erection of a new
detached dwelling & provision of a part two storey/part single storey rear extension to the donor property with x2 no. new
vehicle crossovers for each dwelling.
Application No: EPF/0766/20 Officer: SAC – Held in Abeyance RETURN: 20th May 2022
Applicant: Mr Willem Botha
Location: 21 Forest Drive, Theydon Bois, Epping CM16 7HA
Proposal: Creation of one bed flat and associated parking (Revised application to EPF/0066/20).
9. Planning Clerk’s Report
10. Any Other Matters relating to Planning, without decision
Signed: ……………………………………………. Jane Sounes, Planning Clerk Date of issue: 6
th May 2022