Finance and General Purposes Committee
1. To receive Apologies for Absence
2. Confirmation of Minutes of meeting held on Monday 11th December 2023.
3. Disclosure of Interests with regard to items on the Agenda
(Existence of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, or existence and nature of Other Pecuniary
Interest or a Non-Pecuniary Interest). The Council has adopted the Essex Public Law
Partnership Code of Conduct.
4. To discuss and agree Parish Council Subscriptions for 2024/25.
5. To review Parish Council CCTV Policy.
6. To review Media and Communications Policy.
7. To discuss transferring Reserves showing in our accounting software.
8. To discuss and agree Insurance revalutions.
9. Public Participation session with regard to items on the Agenda
10. Any Other Urgent Business for report (without decision)
Please note that no decisions can be lawfully made under this item. The Local Government
Act 1972 section 12 10 (2) (b) states that business must be specified; therefore, the Council
cannot lawfully raise matters for decision.
11. To Exclude Press and Public:
Staff Matters
Signed ………………………………………………Julia Gale Responsible Financial Officer