Join us for Play in the Park on Friday 11th August 2023 from 1.30 - 3.30pm on the Green in Theydon Bois. It is free and open to all ages. All children must be accompanied by an...
June Edition of Village News
The June edition of the poplar Village News magazine is now available. There are features on the King's Coronation street parties, the latest drama production and all the local news, views and...
M11 Road Closures
M11 junction 10 to 8 and A120 Dunmow West to M11 junction 8 Highways England plan to carry out safety improvement works on the M11 between junction 10 to 8 and on the A120 between Dunmow West and...
Litter Pick this Saturday
The next litter pick is this Saturday. Please meet at the back of the Village Hall car park at 9am. All equipment...
Kings Coronation Steet Parties
To celebrate the Kings Coronation the following roads will be closed in the Village. 07/05/23 Forest Drive – 14:30pm to 22:30pm Morgan Crescent (between #30 to #60) – 10:00am to 22:00pm ...
Parish Council comments on ‘Land North of Forest Drive’ proposal
The Parish Council has submitted a strong objection to EFDC with respect to amended planning application EPF/0292/21 for 38 dwellings at Land North of Forest Drive. To read the Parish Council's...
M11 Roadworks
Closure Date/Time Diversion M11 junction 8 northbound entry slip closure, Tuesday 25 April, 8pm to 6am Traffic will be diverted at Birchanger Roundabout and will travel to junction 7a, before...
Thrifts mead Surgery Re-opens
We are pleased to inform residents that following pressure from The Parish Council, the Thrifts Mead Doctors Surgery has now re-opened. We understand the surgery is open for pre-booked appointments...
UK Emergency Alerts Service
On Sunday 23 April 2023 at 3pm, there will be a national test of the new UK Emergency Alerts service. An Emergency Alert is a loud, siren-like sound with a message on your screen telling you about...
Planning Application for 38 new dwellings, Land North of Forest Drive
At the Parish Council meeting last Thursday evening (23 March) many Theydon Bois residents expressed concerns about the proposed development at the end of Forest Drive – planning application...