
Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedures Uploaded on July 4, 2024




At Theydon Bois Parish Council, we endeavour to deliver high levels of service at all times. But sometimes things go wrong. If you do have a complaint, we will do our best to resolve it for you using the procedures and guidance below.

To avoid placing less serious matters before Council, the Parish Clerk must determine which complaints are minor in nature and which are serious. The Parish Clerk is also responsible for trying to resolve all matters if this can be achieved. The following procedure is based on the principle that complaints will be placed before Council only after the Clerk has attempted to resolve the matter or in circumstances where the matter is clearly, in the opinion of the Clerk, a matter which relates to serious policy issues. It is also a principle of this procedure that complaints regarding the Clerk’s behaviour or actions will not be handled by the Clerk but will be dealt with by Council.

1. This Policy sets out procedures for dealing with any complaints about Theydon Bois Parish Council’s administration, policies and procedures. A complaint may be submitted to the Parish Clerk either in writing, by fax or by sending an email. In exceptional circumstances (disability, language difficulties or similar circumstances) council officers will assist complainants to make a written statement.

2. At Theydon Bois Parish Council complaints are dealt with by the Parish Clerk who will investigate and inform the complainant of the outcome. Complaints which the Parish Clerk cannot resolve are put before full Council.

3. For all written complaints a holding reply will be sent by the Parish Clerk, within five working days of receipt, unless the complaint can be dealt with in full. The complainant should be informed as soon as a decision has been made and the nature of any action to be taken has been decided. If the matter cannot be decided within fourteen working days of the initial complaint received, written advice regarding the method of dealing with the matter should be given to the complainant.

4. Where the Parish Clerk receives a complaint about a Council employee, the Parish Clerk will investigate and the employee will be given an opportunity to comment. The Clerk will inform the complainant of the outcome. If, however, the complaint is, in the view of the Clerk, of a more serious nature, the matter will be put before Council at an ordinary meeting. Under the advice of the Clerk, Council will determine the substance, justification and action to be taken in response to the complainant, and additionally whether or not disciplinary action should be further considered.

5. Where the Parish Clerk or Chairman receives a written complaint about the Parish Clerk’s behaviour or actions (but not relating to a decision made in accord with, or consequent upon, council’s stated policy) the complaint will be considered by Council at its next ordinary meeting. The Parish Clerk shall be given an opportunity to comment to council on the matter. For complaints against the Clerk, council will determine the substance, justification and action to be taken in response to the complaint, and additionally whether or not a disciplinary action should be considered. Prior to a discussion of disciplinary implications, council will consider its need to have the assistance of a qualified advisor such as a representative of the Essex Association of Local Councils.

6. The Parish Clerk shall report to the next meeting of the Council any serious written complaint disposed of by direct action with the complainant.

7. If the complaint against a Council employee or a Councillor is about misconduct or financial impropriety the matter may be referred to the Discipline and Grievance Committee or to the Standards’ Board. The complainant will then be informed of what steps have been taken or that no basis was found for the allegation. Any complaint about financial impropriety shall be dealt with as a serious complaint under 4 or 5 above.

8. If a complaint is put before Council, Theydon Bois Parish Council shall consider whether the circumstances attending any complaint warrant the matter being discussed in the absence of the press and public but any decision on a complaint shall be announced at the Council meeting in public and so recorded in minutes. The complainant should be informed as soon as a decision has been made and the nature of any action to be taken has been decided. If the matter cannot be resolved the first available meeting of Council, written advice regarding the method of dealing with the matter should be given to the complainant.

9. Theydon Bois Parish Council shall defer dealing with any written complaint only if it is of the opinion that issues of law or practice arise on which advice is necessary. The complaint shall be dealt with at the next meeting after the advice has been received.

10. Complaints against Councillors should be sent to the Monitoring Officer at Epping Forest District Council only.

All complaints should be addressed to the Parish Clerk please send complaints to:

Parish Office,
Village Hall
Theydon Bois
Cm16 7ER