Assessment of Footway Conditions, Loughton Lane, Theydon Bois, Essex CM16 7LB
Theydon Bois Parish Council (TBPC) has instructed ADL Traffic & Highways Engineering Ltd to write
to Essex County Council (ECC) in relation to the section of footway and kerbing along Loughton
Lane in Theydon Bois between the junction of Graylands and The Green.
The highway kerbs serve a number of purposes:
• Providing a physical ‘check’ to prevent vehicles leaving the carriageway;
• Acting as a barrier or demarcation between the road traffic and pedestrians; and,
• Retaining the carriageway edge to prevent ‘spreading’ and loss of structural integrity.
It is therefore apparent that, as there are no adequately heighted kerbs along the section of Loughton
Lane in question, the kerbs do not serve the aforementioned purposes which could lead to road
traffic collisions and is therefore in serious need of improvement. Please click on this link to see the report including recent images.